Silla BKF

Bonet / Kurchan / Ferrari


Big BKF Buenos Aires / Cuero Design / Winbaum

La silla BKF, también conocida como “Butterfly” es una silla de acero y cuero diseñada en Buenos Aires por los arquitectos Bonet, Kurchan y Ferrari, fundadores del colectivo Grupo Austral al que se unieron otros arquitectos, artistas e intelec- tuales. Se convirtió en el símbolo del diseño nacional argentino en el mundo.

Gig BKF Buenos Aires / Cuero Design / Weinbaum

The BKF chair, also known as “Butterfly” is a steel and leather chair designed in Buenos Aires by the architects Bonet, Kurchan and Ferrari, founders of the Grupo Austral collective, which was joined by other architects, artists and intellectuals. It became the symbol of Argentine national design in the world.


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Hoja técnica

61g / 6.1hs
Esc. 1:5

Technical schedule

61g / 6.1hs
Esc. 1:5